Sunday, June 10, 2012

Short Tail Cats

Somewhat unique to Nagasaki are these strange "short tailed" cats. Their tails have not been cut or otherwise altered after birth, but are simply shorter than most cats and often curled into a ball on the end. Here are two that I was able to photograph while I was out one afternoon:

This guy is the most passive cat I've ever seen, he just rolled over when I reached down to pet him without even opening his eyes, unbelievable!

 That is the full length of his tail, his though is not curled like most are
 This guy has the curl, but was also more wary of me

Anyway, there's a brief look at a phenomenon that is almost exclusive to Nagasaki. I noticed it early on, but since I was busy with other site seeing I forgot about it until about winter, and by then the cats had all gone into hiding during those cold days. They've only begun reemerging in the last month or so.

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