Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just another day

It's weird to be at the point that a day in Japan would seem ordinary (still lots of fun, but things are becoming common place), but it's getting that way. Streets are becoming familiar, I'm not disoriented, words make more sense. It's funny, but I actually can't wait to be done with orientation. I don't really crave spending time speaking English, I want to be out in Japan experiencing life and learning Japanese. There are so many little shops and places I want to wander. I still haven't had takoyaki or Sushi since I've been here, and am actually excited about a place I saw that serves Fugu. I talked to Jun Be, a Chinese student, and he has tried it and said it is very good, so I am more anxious to have some.
Before I get too distracted here is a photo of Suisha 水車, the shop my host family owns:
As you can see it is not very big, but they do a good amount of business, including deliveries. I have enjoyed everything Okasan has prepared for us there, it's always a treat, and always something new.
I know I still haven't posted pictures of my home or family yet, but truthfully we're all really busy right now, but I promise they are coming. My days consist of getting up around 6am, if I manage to sleep that late, and have breakfast around 7:15. We head off for the bus at 7:55 and get to school around 8:40. Orientation starts at 9:00 and has been going until about 5-5:30, usually get to Suisha around 6 for dinner and get home around 7pm, after a long walk up a progressively steeper hill. I shower and usually blog and check facebook all while having conversations with my Okasan, and usually go to bed around 9pm completely wiped, I don't think I've completely adjusted, but it is also because the days are so full between all the walking and long lectures and trying to better understand Japanese.
My language skills are growing rapidly, but when you're in a culture where you need to be able to communicate, it's never fast enough. I did successfully use "wa" and "ga" in the same sentence today correctly, so that was a big accomplishment (and if you don't believe me you can either take my word for it, or go learn enough Japanese to realize how complicated those two particles are). The nice thing about learning a language in a native environment is that you can basically use "baby talk", you might not have the form completely correct, but you are still understood and my Okasan (which if you haven't been paying attention is my host mother, it is actually an honor that she wants me to address her in this way, it is an indication that she considers me part of the family). will often repeat back to me what I said correctly, much in the way that you teach a child. I also am remembering many words I have learned and forgotten due to disuse. Obviously having no one to talk to in the states that speaks Japanese is a handicap in this regard.
Tomorrow is the last day of orientation (thank God), it's all been useful information, though most of it has to be walked out before you understand it, but that doesn't make it interesting or fun and it is not always clearly communicated. I am looking forward to classes starting next week, and getting a conversation partner, I hope I get someone excited to learn too, I really want to practice my Japanese more. Okasan also says she will have more free time next week, but really I am looking forward to the weekend. Two days to sleep in and spend with my Kazoku (family), not to mention probably getting to Skype home one of the mornings. Class wise I know what I want to take, it's some of the extras that I'm uncertain about, I know I want Kendo, but the other classes are grouped weird like calligraphy and kimono (a dance class) and tea ceremony and flower arranging. If I had the choice I would do calligraphy and tea ceremony, but they aren't paired that way, so I'll have to take one this semester and the other next semester. I am going shopping on Saturday for some basic items that I didn't waste time and space bringing over here since my travel size samples are running out.
Don't expect me to post until after the weekend, my Sunday night at the absolute earliest, I plan to get out and see the city this weekend.

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